Les visages et les corps

Patrice Chéreau

  • Fictions
  • Reading

Avec France Culture

How do you inherit art? How do you pass on the memory of director Patrice Chéreau? With student actors from ERACM's Ensemble 31, France Culture traces a path through the artist's sources of inspiration 10 years after his death.

Patrice Chéreau and Clément Hervieu-Léger Patrice Chéreau © Josep Ros Ribas / Clément Hervieu-Léger © Stéphane Lavoué


This new programming by France Culture in the Cour du Musée Calvet is based on the idea that literature, poetry, and theatre are not only weapons but also a way to distance oneself, to “disorient” oneself from current events. “A great writer must dare venture out like Don Quixote,” says Enrique Vila-Matas, special guest for this programme. The audience is therefore invited to a wild ride alongside some emblematic works, in the language of Cervantès but also in that of Diderot. With humour and whimsy, guaranteed.

Les visages et les corps by Patrice Chéreau

How do you inherit art? How do you pass on the memory of a late director? These are the questions that led to the creation of the Association Transmission Chéreau, chaired by Emmanuel Hogg. Patrice Chéreau died just over ten years ago. He had placed transmission at the heart of his work as an artist and theater director, notably creating a school for actors at the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, which he had imagined as a "permanent workshop", a laboratory. With the Association Transmission Chéreau and ERACM, we imagined a direct transmission experience, both for the student actors and for the audience. We asked actor and director Clément Hervieu-Léger to pass on Chéreau's spirit to a group of student actors.

July 14 at 3pm at Maison Jean Vilar, screening of Stéphane Metge's documentary Le Corps au travail, followed by a discussion with the director and Clément Hervieu-Léger.


With the collaboration of Clément Hervieu-Léger and Vincent Huguet and published by Editions du Musée du Louvre
Reading presented by
Clément Hervieu-Léger of the Comédie-Française With student actors from Ensemble 31 of the École régionale d'acteurs de Cannes et de Marseille (ERACM): Barbara Chaulet, Jules Dupont, Masyata Kaba, Maya Lopez, Brice Magdinier, Alice Rodanet et Eliot Piette
Choice of texts and direction Louise Loubrieu
Original music Pierre-Marie Braye-Weppe
Assistant director Claire Chaineaux
In partnership with the Association Transmission Chéreau
Acknowledgements Pablo Cisneros

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