11th Rencontres Recherche et Création - Histoire(s) en mouvement

Taking shape

  • Café des idées
The 2024 archive

With the Agence nationale de la recherche

Bodies rush together, carried away by the trance of the music. Between language and movement, figuration and perception.  

10th Recherches and Creations with ANR, 2023 © Alexandre Quentin / Festival d'Avignon


The Rencontres Recherche et Création are dedicated to experimenting new modes of dialogue between artists and researchers from various disciplines, to build bridges between international research and the preoccupations of cultural actors. 


With Boris Charmatz, associate artist of the 78th edition, Jan Blanc, Philippe Blache Director of Research at the CNRS, professor at the University of Geneva, Béatrice de Gelder professor at Maastricht University, Patrick Haggard, professor at University College London, Catherine Tallon-Baudry, director of research at the CNRS, Christophe Granger, lecturer at the University of Paris-Saclay.

Practical infos



  • Workshops presentation
  • Dance
  • Boris Charmatz

The 2024 archive


Immersion dans Café Müller de Pina Bausch
  • Show
  • Dance
  • Boris Charmatz

The 2024 archive