Voix d'auteurs : Spécimen by Gwendoline Soublin

Gwendoline Soublin

  • Fictions
  • Reading
The 2023 archive

With France Culture and SACD

Posing, weighing, typing, gluing. For 4,720 days she has been working on the SuperGiant. But that morning something goes wrong and 3.8 billion years open up in and around her.

Portrait of Gwendoline Soublin © Morgane Drouot


She is forty-six years old. She works in the fish and shellfish department of the SuperGiant. She has worked for 4,720 days without a hitch.

But that morning her superior humiliated her in front of the customers. He calls her a Cro-magnon. Then something goes wrong in time and space.

At the dawn of the 4721st day, 3.8 billion years open up in and around her, and in the middle of the urban steppe, an intimate, poetic and millennial epic begins.

Spécimen by Gwendoline Soublin
Unpublished text, proposed by the France Culture Reading Office, to be published by Espace 34

Gwendoline Soublin writes dramatic poems for adults, youth and puppets. Her plural language allows her to give life to human and non-human, metaphysical and animal subjects: a pig, a can, a bunch of children or even the cosmos. Mainly published by Espaces 34, some of her plays have been translated and staged in France and abroad, and have received various awards, including the 20th Prix de la Pièce de Théâtre Contemporain Jeunesse 2023. Pig Boy 1986-2358 was the subject of a radio production on France Culture directed by Christophe Hocké and received a special mention at the Prix Italia in 2019.

Spécimen by Gwendoline Soublin
Unpublished text, to be published by Espace 34


Reading Claire Dumas and student actors from Studio 7, 7e promotion de l’École du Nord: Félix Back, Clément Bigot, Sam Chemoul, Loan Hermant, Mohammed Louridi
In the presence of
Gwendoline Soublin
Director Laure Egoroff
Artistic advisor Guillaume Poix
Assistant director Claire Chaineaux

Practical infos
