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- Café des idées
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 45 min
79th edition D-169 From 5 to 26 July 2025
Based on William Shakespeare
France / Creation at the Festival d'Avignon 2023
The Dream is the story of Helena, who loves Demetrius, who loves Hermia, who loves and his loved by Lysander. A love so powerful it becomes supernatural. A hymn to desire and its consequences!
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What is this Dream as revisited by Gwenaël Morin, a director who left architecture for the stage and whose Théâtre Permanent was founded on three principles: to continuously play, rehearse, and transmit, every day? “A testing ground to explore this mad desire to live.” The same feeling of dizziness he experienced upon reading Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream and the story of Helena in love with Demetrius, himself in love with Hermia, who loves and is loved by Lysander. A spiral of desire and amorous self-deception for those four Athenians caught in the nets of this baroque and supernatural comedy. A love so powerful it makes them believe they’ll break free from the commands of both their fathers and the gods. A play for four voices, at once quick and cruel, always in movement. Expect it to be unique and different each night of the Festival!
Démonter les remparts pour finir le pont is the beginning of an unprecedented partnership with Gwenaël Morin who, for the next four years, will create a play based on the repertoire of the guest langage of each edition.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, translated by François-Victor Hugo, is published by Gallimard.
With Virginie Colemyn, Julian Eggerickx, Jules Guittier, Barbara Jung, Grégoire Monsaingeon, Nicolas Prosper
Text William Shakespeare
Direction and stage design Gwenaël Morin
Dramaturgy Elsa Rooke
Choreography Cecilia Bengolea
Sound creation Grégoire Monsaingeon
Lighting Philippe Gladieux
Costumes Elsa Depardieu
General management Jules Guittier, Nicolas Prosper
Administration, production, diffusion Emmanuelle Ossena, Charlotte Pesle Beal, EPOC productions
Production Compagnie Gwenaël Morin,Théâtre permanent
Coproduction Festival d'Avignon, Parc de La Villette (Paris), Théâtre Garonne (Toulouse), Spazio Culturale Natale Rochiccioli (Cargèse), Scène nationale d'Albi-Tarn, Tap Scène nationale de Poitiers, La Coursive, scène nationale de La Rochelle, Le Parvis Scène nationale de Tarbes, Espace Malraux Scène nationale de Chambéry, Les Salins Scène nationale de Martigues, L'Empreinte Scène nationale de Brive-Tulle
With the support of Région Rhône-Alpes
With the participation of Centre social Espace pluriel, Espace Social et Culturel Croix des Oiseaux and the associations of the Saint-Chamand neighbourhood (Avignon)
Residence Maison Jean Vilar (Avignon)
Captation in partnership with France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
The Compagnie Gwenaël Morin, Théâtre permanent, is supported by the Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Duration : 1h45
Broadcast on France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 27 July at 10.40pm and on 30 July at 9pm on Culturebox.
In French
Please arrive at the venue 45 minutes before the show.
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 45 min
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h
Duration : 1h30