Jeune mort

  • Vive le sujet !
  • Indiscipline
The 2023 archive

Guillaume Cayet

Jeune mort is the story of a recruitment. The story of a broken youth who only comes alive amid the far right. Jeune mort is an alarm call.

Jeune mort, Guillaume Cayet, 2023 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


Jeune mort is a violent, raw story.
The story of a disruption. The story of a broken youth who only comes alive amid the far right. The story of a young man newly employed as a municipal gardener in a formerly industrialised town, and who meets Frédo, a colleague he becomes friends with. What he doesn’t know yet is that Frédo is a political activist and a committed member of the French far right. And when, in the summer camp where his wife works, the creation of a refugee centre is announced, everything starts spinning out of control. 

With Jeune mort, Guillaume Cayet continues his work at the border between politics and poetics. Here, it unfolds in a very intimate way, as a live radio presentation, accompanied by musical composer Karam Al Zouhir and sound designer Antoine Briot; a way to bring words and imagination as close to the listeners as possible. 


With Antoine Briot, Guillaume Cayet, Karam Al Zouhir
Text, radio creation, reading Guillaume Cayet
Music Karam Al Zouhir
Sound Antoine Briot
Administration Roma Calmant
Distribution and production Karine Bellanger (Bora Bora productions)


Production Le Désordre des choses
Coproduction SACD, Festival d’Avignon, Théâtre de la Manufacture CDN Nancy-Lorraine
With the support of Théâtre Public de Montreuil CDN, Théâtre Ouvert Centre national des dramaturgies contemporaines (Paris), MC93 Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis
Guillaume Cayet is an associate artist of the Théâtre de la Manufacture CDN Nancy-Lorraine
Remerciements Caetano Malta, Manumatte, Julia Vidit
Le Désordre des choses is a company subsidised by the Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and receives support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and the Puy-de-Dôme department.



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