"Nos vies masquées" - Débattre : droits des créateurs, vies masquées, politique sociale...
79th edition D-164 From 5 to 26 July 2025
Debate: creators' rights, hidden lives, social policy...
With Audiens
Philosophical and medical debate on the symbolism of the face.
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Since 2020, the mask has become part of our lives. The object now belongs to our daily lives as much as to live performance. But while in the theatre it offers meaning and is a vector of emotion, it has reduced our capacity for expression over the last two years. What consequences does this have on our social relationships, our mental health and what does it reveal about the importance of the face? This debate brings together speakers from the medical, philosophical and theatrical worlds to explore the symbolism of the face.
With Stéphanie Bataille director of the Théâtre Antoine, Roman Khonsari professor of medicine and maxillofacial surgeon at the Necker Hospital, Olivier Py director of the Avignon Festival, Constance Rivière general secretary of the French Human Rights Defender
Moderated by Sandrine Treiner director of France Culture
Gymnase du lycée Aubanel
Duration : 10h
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h
Read more about Fighting against gender-based and sexual violence
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
Opéra Grand Avignon
Duration : 1h30