To the end of the night - Is night more beautiful than day ?

  • The Workshops of thought
The 2021 archive

With Mediapart / la Revue du Crieur

Is the curfew the mark of the distrust power feels for the night?

Cloître Saint-Louis © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


Is curfew the final strike against the possibility to live without witnesses or surveillance, by accepting the unpredictable? Is it the latest avatar of the distrustful relationship the powers that be often have with the night? And how to best experience this mysterious moment, alternately pitch-dark and starlit?


With Michaël Fœssel philosopher and author of La Nuit : vivre sans témoin (Éditions Autrement)

Hosted by Joseph Confavreux

Practical infos


Cloître Saint-Louis © Christophe Raynaud de Lage
