Presse conference - 5 July
- Press conference
- Karelle Prugnaud
- Olivier Py
- Tiago Rodrigues
- Bérangère Vantusso
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
79th edition D-165 From 5 to 26 July 2025
by Eugène Durif
Brive / Created in 2021
Niko, the misanthropic waiter, meets Dan, a tired and wonderful smooth-talker. What should he do? Kick this “stranger” out, or listen to him and find himself in the process?
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A bar in Hamelin. An “estanco,” in French argot. Niko, the misanthropic waiter scared by all that comes from the outside, watches as Dan comes in, looking for a place to rest. Dan is a strange man, a one-man-band tired of travelling the world, a man disappointed by the men who ceaselessly abused him, but above all a man torn between the anger that drives him forward and a quest for recognition for all the desires he awakened. Standing alongside this first ever “intermittent du spectacle,” as director Karelle Prugnaud likes to call him, the character of the withdrawn waiter can feel his wonder grow as dreams and the need to be something awaken in his mind. Performed by Nikolaus Holz and Denis Lavant, the two clownish characters of Mister Tambourine Man move through a precarious world that a word or a note can send over the edge. Moving from one place to the next like an old-school smooth-talker, this travelling show is a nod to those things that are only passing through but which can change everything.
Eugène Durif est auteur, dramaturge et quelques fois comédien. Au début des années 1990, il fonde avec Catherine Beau la compagnie L’envers du décor, implantée dans le Limousin. Comme auteur, il écrit de la poésie, des romans et des nouvelles. La plupart de ses textes sont édités et mis en scène (Joël Jouanneau, Patrick Pineau, Alain Françon, Eric Lacascade, Jean-Michel Rabeux, Karelle Prugnaud…)
With Nikolaus Holz, Denis Lavant
Text Eugène Durif
Direction Karelle Prugnaud
Artistic collaboration Nikolaus Holz
Stage design Éric Benoit, Emmanuel Pestre
Sound creation Guillaume Mika
Musical advice Pierre-Jules Billon
Costumes Antonin Boyot-Gellibert
Production Compagnie L’envers du décor
Co-production OARA Office artistique de la Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, Théâtre de l’Union Centre dramatique national du Limousin (Limoges), Festival d’Avignon, l’Agora Pôle national cirque de Boulazac, Les Scènes du Jura Scène nationale, DSN Dieppe Scène nationale, les Ateliers Frappaz Centre national des arts de la rue et de l’espace public - Villeurbanne, l’Espace des Arts Scène nationale de Chalon-sur-Saône, l’ARC Scène nationale du Creusot, Scène nationale d’Aubusson, l’Horizon – Recherche et création (La Rochelle), Compagnie Pré O Coupé / Nikolaus.
With the support of Ministère de la Culture Drac Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
In partnership with France Bleu Vaucluse
Duration : 1h20
Free entry on 16 July at 8pm in Parc Chico Mendes in Avignon
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 2h30
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h
Église des Célestins
Duration : 1h