Genius Loci

Dans le cadre des 38es Rencontres d'été de la Chartreuse

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Véronique Caye

Created in 2011

Genius Loci © DR


A surrounding wall, two austere cloisters, stone walls, a half-collapsed vault. A playwright in residence on the site is disconcerted by the silence, the solitude, the symbolic weight of this space. How can one write in this closed universe? He who tried to wander away, to free himself from the constraints, is forced to appropriate this singular memory. The Chartreuse then becomes the place for a journey of initiation. And in this floating temporality, thanks to sound and visual illusions, volumes can be heard and seen. With the help of a spectral Carthusian, the church gradually becomes what it was and reveals its genius loci, the spirit of the place.


conception and direction Véronique Caye
Laboratoire Victor Vérité, after the Psaumes de David 22 (21) et 42 (41), Meurs Moïse, Deutéronome by Jean-Damien Barbin and Genius Loci by Véronique Caye

scientific consultants
images Livio de Luca
réalité augmentée Christian Jacquemin
historic adviser Aurélie Favre-Brun
music Frédéric Minière, Alexandre Meyer
sound Samuel Favart-Mikcha
with the cooperation of Jean-Damien Barbin


production le Laboratoire Victor Vérité, la Chartreuse-CNES
avec la participation du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication-Dicréam, du LIMSI - CNRS et du Laboratoire MAP-Gamsau (CNRS/MCC)

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