Excuses et dires liminaires de Za

The 25th Hour

by Jean-Luc Raharimanana

  • Theatre
  • Music
  • 25th hour
The 2009 archive

Thierry Bedard et Jean-Luc Raharimanana

Excuses et dires liminaires de Za © DR


Za's Preliminary Excuses and Assertions
Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, an island, streets, dumping grounds, immense and forgotten plains where tragedies take place. Somewhere on a land where the powerful dominate, between memory and the present day, a fuzzy period in which nothing distinguishes past from present events. Facing them: Za, a father looking for the body of his son carried off by a torrent of rubbish, the “cellophane river”. His wife is mad, he himself seems a prey to irrationality after having been tortured and imprisoned. He rails, asks for forgiveness, humiliates himself, bursts out laughing, sings, recites poems. Surrounded by barbarism, Za is reduced to the only freedom left to him, an immense freedom that he brandishes in his despair: that of language, that of laughter. Between text and music, mental wandering, nonsense and puns, Thierry Bedard and Raharimanana bring us once again to the sources of humanity.


direction: Thierry Bedard
music: Tao Ravao
with: Rodolphe Blanchet, Tao Bravo
Text publshed by éditions Philippe Rey


Production: Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy, notoire de l'étranger(s)

Practical infos

