Eva Perón

by Copi

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2006 archive

Marcial Di Fonzo Bo


Eva Perón © DR


Eva Perón has cancer and these are her last days. However, far from accepting that this is the end, she stamps her feet, shouts, is rude to the nurse and insults her mother. No, she will not die, and if it should come to that then she will have been poisoned, murdered. But who then will embalm her? And that nurse… she'd look good wearing her dress, her white fur, her emerald… But once she has become Eva, is it fair that she lives because Eva must die?


stage direction Marcial Di Fonzo Bo
with : Rodolfo de Souza, Marcial Di Fonzo Bo, Pierre Maillet, Jean-Jacques Le Vessier, Élise Vigier
with artistic collaboration : Bruno Geslin
light :Maryse Gautier
Costums : Laure Mahéo
Sound : Teddy Degouys
Choreography : Francisca Sazié
Director of production : Coralie Barthélemy


Production déléguée : Théâtre des Lucioles (Rennes)
Production : Théâtre national de Bretagne (Rennes), Teatro a Mil (Chili), Institut culturel français de Santiago de Chili
avec le soutien de : l'AFAA et de l'Onda
texte publié : aux éditions Christian Bourgois

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© DR