Le Petit Poucet (Tom Thumb)

Mots d'auteur (Words from the Author)

by Serge Kribus

  • Reading
The 2003 archive

Serge Kribus

France / Created in 2003


« One day, I had an idea. I said to myself, I'm going to make up a story where some parents abandon their children. That's a great idea ! Unfortunately, the following morning when I woke up and was about to start working, I realised that this type of story only existed in fairy tales. So I said to myself, it doesn't matter, let's write a fairy tale. And so I can write a story about parents who abandon their children and it'll be just a fairy tale. I was happy and got down to work. In the evening I was very tired and I went to bed. But while I was sleeping, I had a strange and disturbing dream. I dreamt that this story about parents who abandon their children had been written before. I woke up in a sweat and immediately set to find out. What a surprise to discover that indeed a Charles Perrault and two brothers called Grimm had already written this story. I read their version and thought it was really rather good. Especially the one by the Brothers Grimm. All day long, I wondered if it was really necessary for me to write another version of this tale. By the time the evening came, I hadn't worked but I was tired out by all these questions that were troubling me. I lay down fully clothed and fell asleep, and again had a dream. I dreamt that I was called Petit Poucet (Tom Thumb) and that I was lost in the forest with my brothers and that I couldn't escape from the forest unless the man who was dreaming me started writing my story. So the next morning, I got up and I wrote Le Petit Poucet. » Serge Kribus


Reading by: the author
Programme elaborated by : Jean Larriaga, Président de la commission radio de la Sacd


Coproduction : SACD, Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée par : France Culture

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