Le Monde plat (A flat world)

Texte nu (The Bare Text)

by Jean-Daniel Magnin

  • Reading
The 2003 archive

François Morel



« To recall the famous play The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter – and to give the characters Ben et Gus a longer destiny – here is A Flat World where virtually nothing is transmitted between father and son, man and woman, life and life, nothing perhaps except the art of messing up one's chances... a washed-out world where love manages nurture a few wavering stems. This horizontal play forms a diptych with L'Ami de grand chemin (A friend on the long road), a vertical expedition towards a woman who we meet again, half-way along. Ben and Gus have taken refuge in an abandoned cemetery. These two texts came out of the encounter on the page and on stage with inmates from the Santé Prison in Paris.»
Jean-Daniel Magnin.


read by : François Morel
Proposal of: Jean-Michel Ribes, administrateur théâtre de la Sacd


Coproduction : Sacd, Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée par : France Culture

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