
Texte nu (The Bare Text)

by Koffi Kwahulé

  • Reading
The 2003 archive

Rachida Brakni



« A woman tells the story of a town. And of a traumatic experience. Jaz's experience. Her friend. The woman telling the story like a jazz musician in the midst of an invisible and silent orchestra, uses a chorus so that we can hear all the nuances of the “ composition ”. The other theme of Jaz which comes forth, is the individual steps that everyone must take to carve out from loneliness and from the silence of life, from absences, their share of music, music which is the only one to hear, music which is for her alone, her name. » Koffi Kwahulé


Read by :Rachida Brakni
Porposal of: Jean-Michel Ribes, administrateur théâtre de la Sacd


Coproduction : Sacd, Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée par : France Culture
Texte publié aux : Editions Théâtrales

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