Crise de Nerfs - Parlez-moi d'amour - (Nervous Breakdown - Tell Me About Love-)

by Jean Lambert-wild

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2003 archive

Jean Lambert-wild

France / Created in 2003


A few square metres, a hospital room outlined by rows of spectators, a nursery bed, an actress-cum-underwater diver accompanied by a choir sings gentle discouragement and a joyful aspiration to be in the world. Under a diving suit, the ideal protection from internal and external aggression, an ultra-sensitive person is buffeted Linked to her bed by a vital pipe, an umbilical cord in which sounds, air and fluid circulates, this deep-sea diver tells the story of the world he has lost and of the one which today, he cannot contemplate.Crise de Nerfs – Parlez-moi d'amour – pitches the perpetual struggle of an existence and the insatiable need for words of love. Writer, stage designer and director, this is an elegy by Jean Lambert-wild accompanied by the music of Jean-Luc Therminarias. This play forms part of the mutual path these two travellers have been following since Splendeur et Lassitude du Capitaine Marion Déperrier, Drumlike, Orgia and more recently Spaghetti's Club. “I cultivate the humour of despair,” says Jean Lambert-wild. “Crossing this valley of tears in a diving suit is one good way of surviving...”


cast: Laure Thiéry, Bénédicte Debilly
text and direction :Jean Lambert-wild
music :Jean-Luc Therminarias
lighting: Renaud Lagier
costumes: Françoise Luro
realization :Franck Besson, Christophe Blangero, Jean-Daniel Corbet, Christophe Farion, Thomas Jaeggi, David Marze, Thierry Opigez, Laurent Pottier, Thierry Varenne, l'entreprise Morel-Techniques


Production déléguée: Le Granit-Scène nationale de Belfort
Coproduction :326, la MC 93 -Bobigny-Maison de la Culture de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Théâtre du Muselet-Scène nationale de Châlons-en-Champagne, la Maison de la Culture de Bourges, l'Espace Jean Legendre-Théâtre de Compiègne, Le Carreau-Scène nationale de Forbach et de l'Est mosellan, L'Onde- espace culturel de Vélizy et Villacoublay, le GMEM-Centre national de création musicale de Marseille, l'université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) laboratoire des systèmes et transports
Avec le soutien: du Conseil régional de Franche-Comté, du DICREAM, de la CCAS et de la Spedidam
Texte publié par: les Solitaires Intempestifs
Remerciements: au Théâtre de Cavaillon-Scène nationale

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