Avec toute mon admiration (Admiringly yours)

Mots d'auteur (Words from the Author)

by Christian Rullier

  • Reading
The 2003 archive

Christian Rullier

France / Created in 2003


« The great and exuberant actress Eléonore Ravel, born when Raymond Poincaré was occupying the Ruhr, shares her life and her apartment with Thomas Langevin, a sixty-year-old man who is her butler, her friend, her accomplice and no doubt more besides ... One day, Éléonor agrees to receive a « young actor », in his forties, Christian Le Fils, whose dangerous admiration for her is without limits, and he offers her the main role in a play he has written exclusively for her ... However, this role is not unrelated to the one offered to her by Ingmar Bergman in 1957 and which she turned down in a film that was never made, The Red Shadows. The musical score by Jacques Bouniard was however preserved. Will Eléonore agree to play a last role, the last role ? » Christian Rullier


reading by: the author
Text published in June by : Editions Les Impressions Nouvelles
programme elaborated by: Jean Larriaga, Président de la commission radio de la Sacd


Coproduction : SACD, Le Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée par : France Culture

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