Quart d'heure (Quarter hour)

Texte nu (The Bare Text)

by Jacques Serena

  • Reading
The 2002 archive

Ludivine Sagnier



She had her quarter-hour of glory and what is left, is always what's left at the end: a tenacious admirer. Of course, the decline is fatal, inevitable, inherent, etc. Obviously she will never admit it. She feels it, but that's not the same as admitting it. Perhaps, by spending her nights trying to work out what is making the noises behind the door, she hopes to prolong it a little. Perhaps on the contrary, what she wants is to finish before the last one realises. It is not certain whether she knows what she wants or fears, and if that still makes any difference.


read by: Ludivine Sagnier
proposed by : Jean-Michel Ribes, administrateur théâtre de la Sacd


Coproduction : Sacd, Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée par : France Culture
Aux éditions : Les solitaires intempestifs

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