Mots d'auteur (Words from the Author)

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The 2002 archive



Just like in their works... The author, alone on stage, at his reading table, like at his work desk, playing the game of “performing in a play”, just for pleasure – but this time sharing with the public – taking the oral test as he has done alone, the written test. That is the invitation extended to the audience to share in Mots d' Auteur, for the third consecutive year in Avignon. French-language playwrights, close neighbours or those from far away, they all have a common desire for the word - given and incessantly taken back in the playful world of the living - for which they preserve, against the test of words and facts, between disaster and laughter, by the means and the voices that are theirs, this protected and privileged passage, that is the language of the stage. Vera Feyder, president of the radio commission of Sacd


Pietro Pizzuti : La résistante (The Resistant Fighter)
Olivier Dutaillis : Albert et Charlie (Albert and Charlie)
Bernard Haller : Un certain rire incertain ( A certain uncertain laugh)
Carole Fréchette : Jean et Béatrice (John and Beatrice)
Louis-Charles Sirjacq : Les riches reprennent confiance (The rich regain confidence)
Chantal Akerman : Fragments et mélanges (Fragments and mixtures)

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