Le Circuit ordinaire (An Ordinary Circuit)

Texte nu (The Bare Text)

by Jean-Claude Carrière

  • Reading
The 2002 archive

Jean-Pierre Marielle



Two men are together in an office. One is a police inspector, who has summoned the other who is an informer. A shady conversation ensues between the two men, and little by little, the secrets of a circuit are revealed. And it is not necessarily the man who one might think the best placed and better-informed who, in the end, will win over the other.
Jean-Claude Carrière


read by: Jean-Pierre Marielle
proposed by : Jean-Michel Ribes, administrateur théâtre de la Sacd


Coproduction : Sacd, Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée par : France Culture
Aux éditions : Actes-Sud Papiers

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