La Résistante (The Resistance Fighter)

Mots d'auteur (Words from the Author)

by Pietro Pizzuti

  • Reading
The 2002 archive

Pietro Pizzuti



A woman is writing a play. We know nothing about it, except that there are two characters who converse with her. One is a pregnant woman, one a child-soldier. This play is about war, about violence which is endemic to human beings, about their irreversible illness that makes them do harm to each other. The two characters revolt against their author. They reproach her for the act of writing, accuse her of incarnating them on stage to ease her conscience instead of taking action. She resists. She says her writing is her way of resisting barbarity. She doesn't know if it serves any useful purpose or if it's useful to anybody. She doesn't know anymore if writing is better than doing nothing. Sometimes nothing can distract her. But she resists. She cannot do otherwise. She writes.


The author reads his play
Proposed by : Vera Feyder, president of the radio commission of Sacd


Coproduction : Sacd, Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée et diffusée en différé par France Bleu

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