La Rabbia ( Rage)

by Pippo Delbono

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2002 archive

Pippo Delbono



La Rabbia (Rage), first performed in 1995, is a cry where the private pain of man and his suffering at being in the world jostle each other. It is an affectionate tribute which takes root in fraterntity. Pasolini is a master for Pippo Delbono. He has been in close contact with Pasolini' s work for fifteen years. He has learned it little by little, has understood it, his life, the blows and wounds he sustained that helped him achieve recognition. The title of his play is borrowed from a documentary film by the poet. Mixing Pasolini's words and his own, extending them and dreaming with them, the director follows in the footsteps of his elder to make a homage/performance focused entirely on the need for and the proclamation of love.


stage direction Pippo Delbono
cast : Bobò, Piero Corso, Pippo Delbono, Lucia Della Ferrera, Mario Intruglio, Gustavo Giacosa, Simone Goggiano, Elena Guerrini, Pepe Robledo
lighting : Fabio Berselli
sound : Matteo Braglia
décors and accessoires : Raffaele Formicone


Production :Compagnia Pippo Delbono
Collaboration :Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione (Modène)

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