Jean et Béatrice (John and Béatrice)

Mots d'auteur (Words from the Author)

by Carole Fréchette

  • Reading
The 2002 archive

Carole Fréchette



In her apartment on the thirty-third floor of a modern high-rise building, Béatrice is waiting, like a princess with long hair awaits her knight in shining armour. She has stuck posters all over the town offering a substantial reward for whoever can capture her interest, move her and seduce her. In that order. A man arrives, Jean, prepared to go through the three tests. A three-stage game begins. First fascination, then emotion, then seduction. Behind the manoeuvres of one of them, and the resistance put up by the other, behind all this consciously constructed artifice, gradually emerges part of the truth about each of them, as well as their desire for love and their disproportionate fear of loving.


the author reads his play
proposed by : Vera Feyder, president of the radio commission of Sacd


Coproduction: Sacd, Festial d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée et diffusée en différé par France Bleu
Aux éditions : Actes Sud-Papiers

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