Yvonne, Princesse de Bourgogne (Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy)

by Witold Gombrowicz

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2000 archive

Jorge Lavelli



Gombrowicz changes the play of masks that the theatre has always been. It strips man's incurable immaturity down, and his consummate skill in burying himself inside patterns where he can play at being adult, in a more inconsequential way than ever. Yvonne examines this vision of the human being through the fable of the young prince who, priding himself on being uninfluenced by canons of beauty, marries an ugly and mute young lady. Presented at court, the young Yvonne takes the monarchs and courtiers by surprise. All are overwhelmed by their feelings of unease, as their own profound ugliness comes to the fore and is projected onto the unfortunate girl. Inevitably her death becomes a common end. Jorge Lavelli and Yves Beaumesne's productions notably, have already been seen in France. Grzegorz Jarzyna uses a different pseudonym for each production. He signs this one Horst Leszczuk and brings together Cracow's famous Stary theatre actors (the oldest company in Poland) with members of his own troupe. His economical direction raises the sense of cruelty to its extreme through elegant movement, costumes and relationships. Gradually, Yvonne looses her plain looks. She becomes beautiful. The play is cast under a new light. Suddenly, beauty disturbs the rule of triumphant ugliness.


stage direction Grzegorz Jarzyna (Horst Leszczuk)

set designer : Barbara Hanicka
musical adaptation : Horst Leszczuk
choreographer : Agnieszka Laska
cast : Boleslaw Brzozowski, Sonia Bohosiewicz, Kazimierz Borowiec, Magdalena Cielecka, Piotr Cyrwus, Lidia Duda, Malgorzata Galkowska, Roman Gancarczyk, Katarzyna Gniewkowska, Mieczyslaw Gràbka, Juliusz Grabowski, Aldona Grochal, Marek Kalita, Urszula Kiebzak, Ewa Kolasinska, Cezary Kosinski, Ryszard Ostromecki, Anna Polony, Dorota Pomykala, Jacek Romanowski, Edward Wnuk


production : Stary Teatr de Cracovie
avec le soutien de : l'ONDA pour les surtitres
Le programme De la Baltique aux Balkans bénéficie du concours de : Alexi's Friev

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