Le Petit Köchel

by Normand Chaurette

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2000 archive

Denis Marleau

Canada / Created in 2000


Who is Köchel ? The man who made an inventory of Mozart's works or another - a product of the author's imagination ? No, this is not a man, but mere Mozartian numbering. But, around this little practice book for musicians, what a quartet of visible human beings discussing a fifth invisible character ! Two pianist sisters and two sisters who are musicologists develop a friendship that is rather strange because they do not actually like each other (the musicologists are the patrons of the musicians) and all four consider themselves the mother of the person we never see, a child living in the basement. This child, a victim of music (more precisely a victim of a passion for music) imparts his desire to die. Author of human pain and enigma (c.f. Passage de l'Indiana - Avignon 1996), Normand Chaurette teams up with Denis Marleau and the UBU Theatre to produce a huis clos of the subconscious and the for-bidden. Cannibalism and human sacrifice are central to this play that has been constructed like a music partition, whose resonance is as comic as it is tragic, as tender as it is fierce.


stage direction Denis Marleau

cast : Louise Bombardier, Louise Laprade, Ginette Morin, Christiane Pasquier
stage set : Michel Goulet
costumes : Francois Barbeau
lighting : Martin Labrecque
assistant directors : Sophie Proust and Alain Roy


Le Petit Köchel est publié par : Leméac/Actes Sud-Papiers
une création du : Théâtre Ubu
en coproduction avec : le Festival d'Avignon et l'Hexagone-scène nationale de Meylan
avec le soutien financier du: Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, du Conseil des Arts du Canada, du Conseil des arts de la Communauté urbaine de Montréal et du ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international du Canada.

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