Aberrations du documentaliste

by Ezéchiel Garcia-Romeu et François Tomsu

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 1999 archive

Ezéchiel Garcia-Romeu, François Tomsu



In the corridors and corners of a museum shadows and patches of light describe the shelves of a library where a librarian believes he has the power to resolve the enigma of the universe. The librarian's readings are incoherent, an amalagam of scientific textes and poetry, drama and politics, but the chaotic stories come to form a fantastic dream. The audience are in coni-vence with the librarian, and their intimacy turns the puppets into quite different creatures.Ezechiel Garcia-Romeu is from Argentina. After studying music, he and his company, the Massue Theatre, turned to the arts of puppetry, opera and stage design. His company is returning to the Festival this year, after performing La Méridienne, in 1995, at the Musee Calvet in Avignon, a show of five minutes performed in front of a single spectator. The Librarian's Aberrations is a show in the same vein. It was inspired by a meeting with François Tomsu, a former student of the Fine Arts School at Besançon in east-ern France, a stage and costume designer, and with Jacques Fornier, an illustrious veteran of decentralised theatre in France. The first staging of Aberrations was at the Théâtre Granit, the national theatre in Belfort, eastern France in 1998.


stage direction Ezéchiel Garcia-Romeu et François Tomsu

With : Jacques Fornier


Coproduction : Théâtre de la Massue, Théâtre Granit-Scène nationale de Belfort, L'Arche-Centre d'Art et de Rencontres de Bethoncourt, Nouveau Théâtre de Besançon- Centre dramatique national, Le Channel-Scène nationale de Calais, Théâtre de Nice-Centre dramatique national, Scènes du Jura Lons-Dôle.
Avec le soutien de : la DRAC Franche Comté
Production déléguée : Théâtre Granit-Scène nationale de Belfort,
Création le : 21 octobre 1998 à la Coopérative (scène nationale de Belfort)
Remerciements à : l'Odéon-Théâtre national de l'Europe

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