"Le Beau Monde" by Arthur Amard, Rémi Fortin, Simon Gauchet and Blanche Ripoche - extracts

  • Video extracts

What will we remember? What will we choose to pass on? What will we keep secret?

Le Beau Monde paints the picture of a future whose name we don’t know. From one generation to the next, utilising an oral tradition, actors pass on the memory and traces of the 21st century. During a ritual with the audience that takes place every sixty years, they share this archaeology of our present. What’s a kiss? A slow dance? A show of hands? What do those gestures say about us, those customs and habits which make up our daily routines without our even noticing them? Forty-six fragments from the old world, reproduced in the new one. Arthur Amard, Rémi Fortin, Simon Gauchet, and Blanche Ripoche — two actors, a musician, and a scenographer and visual artist — have chosen to share their memories in a very subjective manner, and to present us their emotions of today. Their show was awarded the Prix du jury at the Festival Impatience. 

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