For ten years now, the Festival d’Avignon has been working on its environmental impact. The Festival is a member of the Collectif des Festivals Écoresponsables et Solidaires en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Cofees), a signatory member of the Charte Éco-festival with the City of Avignon, the Grand Avignon and Avignon Festival et Compagnies (AF&C), and a signatory member of the Drastic On Plastic Charter. In 2020, we set up a collective and cross-departmental task force to lead our long-term action.
By rethinking its organisation, the Festival continues its project to reduce its waste production and its greenhouse gases emissions, to encourage social inclusion and to influence consumption habits, this time on a larger scale. This project aims to make CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) part of its models of administration and governance. The goal? To develop new skills, invest into and find new resources, multiply ambitious actions, all in order to give rise to and accompany new collective practices to face the current climate emergency.