Support for the team of the show Carte noire named desire by Rébecca Chaillon

Thuesday 25 July 2023

Since July 20, 2023 in Avignon, the performers of Carte noire nommée desir by Rébecca Chaillon, theatrical and performative show which raises the question of the place of Afro-descendant women in French society, face during performances but also in the streets verbal and physical attacks of a racist nature. The Festival d'Avignon affirms that it is unacceptable to leave these outpourings of hatred in silence and demonstrates its solidarity and support for artists. The Festival d'Avignon is proud to present and accompany this show which marked this 77th edition. The beating heart of ideas and debates, the Festival d'Avignon remains a celebration but also a fight, a fight for democracy.

Carte noire nommée désir, Rébecca Chaillon, 2023 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage