Vive le sujet ! Tentatives - Serie 2


  • Vive le sujet !
  • Multidisciplinary
The 2024 archive

Stéphanie Aflalo and Tidiani N’Diaye

France - Mali / Created in 2024

To see the stage of the Jardin de la Vierge as a space of experimentation: such is the idea behind Vive le sujet! Tentatives, which invites authors and artists to pick one or more companions and form multidisciplinary courts.

Vive le sujet, Tentatives ! serie 2 - Médidation, Stéphanie Aflalo - Baara, Tidiani N’Diaye © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon


Tentatives dramaturgiques

On 13 July at 7.30pm on the plateau of the Jardin de la Vierge, Jessie Mill, co-artistic director of Festival TransAmériques, and Victor Roussel, artistic advisor to Théâtre de la Bastille, are invited to take a dramaturgical look at their work, and invite the artists to talk about their creative processes. Access on presentation of a "Vive le Sujet ! Tentatives - Serie 2".

With the support of Calq, SACD

To see the stage of the Jardin de la Vierge as a space of experimentation: such is the idea behind Vive le sujet! Tentatives, which invites authors and artists to pick one or more companions and form multidisciplinary courts.

Méditation // Stéphanie Aflalo

Stéphanie Aflalo’s Récréations philosophiques bring together performance and philosophy with caustic humour. After Jusqu’à présent, personne n’a ouvert mon crâne pour voir s’il y avait un cerveau dedans and L’Amour de l’art, the actress and director continues her mental gymnastics exercises, inviting actor Jérôme Chaudière and performer Grégoire Schaller to play with words around the theme of death. 

Baara // Tidiani N'Diaye

Drawing from their observation of workers, farmers, and garbage collectors, dancers and choreographers Tidiani N’Diaye and Adonis Nebié seek to appropriate these gestures repeated every day with precision and meticulousness. Against a backdrop of experimental music composed by Clara De Asis, their performance evokes the harshness of work and the alienation it causes at the same time as it explores the intoxication of repetition and the joy of being together. 


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