Le Secret des Perlims

  • Cinematographic territories
  • Young audience
The 2024 archive

By Alê Abreu

Claé and Bruô (a fox and a bear cub) are two secret agents from rival kingdoms, those of the Sun and the Moon. When the Giants threaten to destroy their world, they must join forces and set off in search of the Perlims, mysterious creatures who could save the Forest.

Perlimps © Alê Abreu


Territoires cinématographiques is a space for dialogue between the performing arts and cinema, created in collaboration with Avignon's Utopia cinemas. It's a daily gathering of film screenings, at the end of which the public meets and exchanges with theater artists, choreographers, filmmakers, activists, critics and journalists invited to the Festival d'Avignon. It's a space designed to explore the intimate relationships these guests maintain between disciplines and with the world. It's a place where we can take a closer look, both large and small, at the themes brought to the stage, the territories of the guest language, and under the plane trees of the Café des idées.


By Alê Abreu // Brazil // 2022 // 1h20

Claé and Bruô (a fox and a bear cub) are two secret agents from rival kingdoms, those of the Sun and the Moon. When the Giants threaten to destroy their world, they must join forces and set off in search of the Perlims, mysterious creatures who could save the Forest.

For children aged 5 and over.

Practical infos