La révolte des vieux

  • Cinematographic territories

Laure Adler

For director Laure Adler, age is a feeling, not a reality. Through her encounters with Edgar Morin, Mona Ozouf, Germaine Acogny and Michelle Perrot, as well as with strangers, and through her travels in France and elsewhere, she shows other paths and tells of the joys of growing old.

La révolte des vieux © DR


La révolte des vieux

By Laure Adler // France // 2023 // 1h03

Screening followed by a meeting with Laure Adler, director and journalist, and Francis Carrier, president and founder of the GreyPride association.

For director Laure Adler, age is a feeling, not a reality. Through her encounters with Edgar Morin, Mona Ozouf, Germaine Acogny and Michelle Perrot, as well as with strangers, and through her travels in France and elsewhere, she shows other paths and tells of the joys of growing old

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