• Le souffle d'Avignon
  • Reading

With Scènes d'Avignon

Once again this summer, right next to the Cour d’honneur du Palais des papes and just before the trumpets blare, the Souffle d’Avignon comes to the cloître Benoît-XII to help the oftenunpublished works of living authors find an audience. In this historical and symbolic setting, cradle of the Festival, this new edition asserts the unifying character of an event initiated by Scènes d’Avignon.

Le Souffle d'Avignon, Cloître Benoît XII, 2022 © MarieCM Photography


Once again this summer, right next to the Cour d’honneur du Palais des papes and just before the trumpets blare, the Souffle d’Avignon comes to the cloître Benoît-XII to help the oftenunpublished works of living authors find an audience. In this historical and symbolic setting, cradle of the Festival, this new edition asserts the unifying character of an event initiated by Scènes d’Avignon.

FLEMA - 7 July

Texts Rébecca Chaillon : Une Patte retombe toujours sur ces Chattes, L. Etchart : Tupamadre
Reading Rébecca Chaillon and L. Etchart
Proposed by Festival d'Avignon

Le Gueuloir - 8 July

Proposed by Le Gueuloir ASBL

Le Gueuloir - July 9

Proposed by Le Gueuloir ASBL

65 rue d'Aubagne - 11 July

Proposed by Théâtre du Balcon

Cabaret Shakespeare - 12 July

Proposed by Le Théâtre du Chêne Noir

New French-language theatrical writing from the Caribbean - 13 July

Proposed by ETC Caraïbe

C'est pas parce qu'on a rien à dire qu'il faut fermer sa gueule - 14 July

Proposed by Théâtre des Carmes André Benedetto

Kassandra - 15 July

Proposed by the Théâtre du Chien qui Fume

Des femmes qui nagent - 17 July

Proposed by the Théâtre des Halles

Polywere - 18 July

Proposed by le Théâtre Transversal


Proposed by Les Scènes d'Avignon - Théâtre du Balcon, Théâtre des Carmes André Benedetto, Théâtre du Chêne Noir, Théâtre du Chien Qui Fume, Théâtre des Halles, Théâtre Transversal, ETC Caraïbe, Le Gueuloir - and the Festival d'Avignon
In partnership with the Association Jean Vilar, SACD

Practical infos
