Films programme

Boris Charmatz's choice

  • Cinematographic territories
The 2024 archive

Boris Charmatz and César Vayssié

Les Disparates © César Vayssié


Territoires cinématographiques is a space for dialogue between the performing arts and cinema, created in collaboration with Avignon's Utopia cinemas. It's a daily gathering of film screenings, at the end of which the public meets and exchanges with theater artists, choreographers, filmmakers, activists, critics and journalists invited to the Festival d'Avignon. It's a space designed to explore the intimate relationships these guests maintain between disciplines and with the world. It's a place where we can take a closer look, both large and small, at the themes brought to the stage, the territories of the guest language, and under the plane trees of the Café des idées.

Les Disparates

By César Vayssié, from original choreography by Dimitri Chamblas and Boris Charmatz // France // 1999 // 22"

In 1994, the Nouvelles Scènes festival in Dijon saw the creation of Les Disparates, the second work by the duo of Boris Charmatz and Dimitri Chamblas. Joyful and nostalgic, this choreography for a dancer and a sculpture by Toni Grand evokes fragmented "states of dance".


"Saint-Eustache. I dance and whistle in the Gothic basilica. Stone floor, immense monument, reverberant sound. I'm not religious, but I'm looking for emotional calm. We look for a title: it will be transept, the place where we film. In etymology, "fence" and "beyond". Filming dance means closing it and taking it a little beyond, doesn't it?" Boris Charmatz, November 2023.

By Boris Charmatz and César Vayssié, based on SOMNOLE by Boris Charmatz // France // 2023 // 40"

Screening followed by a discussion with Boris Charmatz and César Vayssié.
Moderated by Oriane Jeancourt Galignani, editor-in-chief of Transfuge magazine.

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