Creation and disabilities

What role do people with disabilities play in the creative process?

  • Professional meeting
The 2024 archive

With Actes pro

The issue of accessibility is one of the priorities of current cultural policy, particularly for children and young people. However, few artists with disabilities are still represented.

Le Totem © Le Totem


The issue of accessibility is one of the priorities of current cultural policy, particularly for children and young people. However, few artists with disabilities are still represented.

  • How do these artists perceive the relationship with their art?

  • What links do they have with young audiences?

  • What role are they really given in artistic creation, from training to the possibility of being project leaders themselves or becoming trainers?


With Hamid Allouache, Hrysto, Alice Davazoglou (delayed transmission) and Magali Saby
Speakers Marion Rousseau, Eve Lombart, Pascal Parsat
Moderator Thierry Seguin from the CNCA (Centre National de la Création Adaptée) in Morlaix.


A meeting organised by Actes Pro
In partnership with Le Totem, the Festival d'Avignon, Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France and Groupe Audiens

Actes Pro is supported by the Ministère de la Culture (DRAC Hauts-de-France) and the Région Hauts-de-France.

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