Addiction prevention workshop

  • Professional meeting

With Thalie Santé

We invite you to discuss the subject of addiction in the entertainment industry. The discussion, enriched by first-hand accounts, will be led by three experts, who will set out the basics of the problem and how to prevent it.

Salle colloque du Cloître Saint-Louis © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


The Journées professionnelles du Festival d'Avignon are organised as part of the Maison des professionnels, which brings together representative institutions, professional organisations and operators from the cultural and performing arts sector in Avignon every year during the Festival. A shared space for the profession coordinated by the ISTS, in partnership with the Festival d'Avignon, the Maison des professionnels is aimed at all professional audiences and particularly at the staff of cultural companies, whether they be authors, artists, technicians or administrative staff.

We invite you to discuss the subject of addiction in the entertainment industry. The discussion, enriched by first-hand accounts, will be led by three experts, who will set out the basics of the problem and how to prevent it.

Coordinated by Thalie Santé

Practical infos