Performing arts, digital stages

  • Café des idées
The 2023 archive

These panels invite us to consider the issues of digital transition and innovation in the field of the performing arts: augmented and virtual stages, immersive and interactive environments, digital experiences...

Grenier à sel © EDIS


What kind of funding is needed to meet the challenges of live performance and digital technology?
With Maud Franca, deputy director of the Mission mandats et investissements d'avenir at the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Pauline Augrain, deputy director of digital at the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, Philippe Tilly, deputy delegate for cultural enterprises, DGMIC, Ministry of Culture Moderated by Laurence Le Ny, director of the ICC start-up ecosystem at Orange, vice-president of French Tech Grande Provence

Performing arts and technology: towards digital commons
With three winners of the France 2030 programme "Augmented experience of performing arts" moderated by Maud Franca deputy director of the Mission mandats et investissements d'avenir at the Caisse des dépôts et consignations

Motion capture: what uses for the stage?
With Jean-François Jego, artist and lecturer in visual arts and technologies at the University of Paris 8, Anastasiia Ternova, motion capture & VR stage manager

Making and producing an XR show
Sarah Arnaud producer at Tchikiboum, Émilie Anna Maillet artistic director of the company Ex voto à la lune, Rémi Large producer at Tamanoir Immersive Moderated by Salomé Bazin general coordinator of PXN

L'Odyssée sonore, technological innovation at the service of an immersive show trail
With Marie Lathoud marketing director and CMO of Imki, Mathilde Moure site manager of the Théâtre antique d'Orange

  • Immersive VR theatre

L'Errance (The Roaming) by Mathieu Pradat
Gumball Dreams by Ferryman Collective & Screaming Color
Non-player character by Brendan Bradley


An event piloted and co-organised by Dark Euphoria, Le Grenier à Sel, La Villa Créative - Avignon Université and French Tech Grande Provence, with the support of the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, the Ministry of Culture, Afdas and Greater Avignon

Practical infos
