Jean-Marie Serreau: a visionary builder of the Festival d’Avignon

  • Café des idées
The 2023 archive

With the Institut de Recherche en Études Théâtrales de la Sorbonne Nouvelle / Labo SeFeA

Cloître Saint-Louis, salle colloque © Festival d'Avignon


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death, we look back on the legacy of Jean-Marie Serreau, a key figure in the changes the Festival went through after 1968, and committed director for decolonisation. After the opening of the Cloître des Carmes in 1967, he was entrusted with the architectural and technical development of this second outdoor stage. He directed two shows there: Béatrice du Congo by Dadié in 1971, and La Terre battue by Bouhada in 1972, announcing the need for otherness in dramatic creation.


With Axel Arthéron lecturer at the Université des Antilles, Lenka Bokova former curator at the BnF, Alice Carré director, Pénélope Dechaufour lecturer at the Université de Montpellier, Akonio Dolo actor and musician, Greg Germain actor and former director of the Off festival, Judith G. Miller New York University, Danielle Van Bercheycke actor, Alexandre Zeff director.

Animated by Sylvie Chalaye professor and director of research at the Sorbonne Nouvelle, head of the SeFeA, Romain Fohr lecturer at the Sorbonne Nouvelle, head of the Liris


With INA and BnF

Practical infos
