How can we make technical professions attractive again?

  • Professional meeting
The 2023 archive

With Réditec

Réditec is organising a meeting to discuss the attractiveness of technical professions in a post-pandemic context, where many people are leaving for other professions and there is a vocational crisis.

Cloître Saint-Louis, atelier théâtre © Festival d'Avignon


Since the pandemic, followed by a frenzied resumption of production activities, all the components of the performing arts ecosystem have been making the same observation: Where have the technical teams gone? Since 2021, Réditec has been working to understand and analyse this issue through a number of meetings and round tables at major trade shows. After analysing the situation, it became clear that it was time to try and find solutions. We hope that our speakers will be able to provide the keys to open the right doors.


With Sabine Danquigny director of Pôle emploi Scènes et images Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Jérôme Bertin development and coordination manager at Aract Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Caroline Bletterer project manager at Aract Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, David Bourbonnaud director of ISTS (Institut Supérieur des Techniques du Spectacle), Carole Le Rendu director of ITEMM (Institut Technologique Européen des Métiers de la Musique), Mickaël Roth technical director of Odyssud in Blagnac, member of Réditec.

Animated by Cyril Puig from Pogo développement


In partnership with ISTS

Practical infos