Budgets and cultural choices of local authorities: what’s the trend?

  • Café des idées
The 2023 archive

With the Observatoire des politiques culturelles

Atelier théâtre, 2022 © Marie CM Photography


How do local authorities and inter-municipalities see the evolution of their cultural expenses in 2023? What are their priorities? What do their choices in terms of cultural policy look like? How do they deal with the consequences of the energetic, political, or economic context? As a tool for measuring public action in the realm of culture, the barometer aims to fuel debates around budgetary and political trends for the current year. The communication of these first results will be put into perspective with the publication of data from the DEPS-Ministry of Culture on the evolution of cultural spending by local authorities since 2015.


In association with DEPS-Ministry of Culture, Régions de France, Départements de France, France Urbaine, Intercommunalités de France, Villes de France, FNADAC, FNCC, Culture.Co and Culture et départements

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