Bouncing back professionally after the health crisis with the Fonds de pro

  • Professional meeting
The 2023 archive

With the Fonds de professionnalisation et de solidarité des artistes et techniciens du spectacle - Audiens

Professional slowdown, loss of unemployment benefit, illness, social difficulties... Find out about the personalised support and professional assistance available from Fonds de pro to help you revitalise your career.



The Fonds de pro is designed to provide a secure career path for artists and technicians in the entertainment industry who are at risk or have exhausted their entitlement to unemployment benefit. It offers individualised socio-professional support and assistance to revitalise their careers or support their plans to change career direction. In addition, there is enhanced support specifically for certain life situations: maternity, young parents, illness, senior citizens.


Animated by Sylvie Hericher Project Manager, Fonds de professionnalisation et de solidarité des Artistes et Techniciens du spectacle (Professionalization and Solidarity Fund for Performing Artists and Technicians)

Practical infos
