20 years of social policy in the performing arts: what perspectives?

  • Café des idées
The 2023 archive

With Audiens

Cloître Saint-Louis © Festival d'Avignon


In 2003, the renegotiation of Annexes VIII and X of the Unédic relating to the status of part-time entertainment workers led to a major social crisis in the heart of summer, eventually leading to the cancellation of the Festival d’Avignon. That same year, Audiens was created: a joint social protection group serving culture and media professionals. Twenty years later, let’s talk about the reality and future prospects.


With Catherine Morin-Desailly senator, Laurence Raoul executive director of the SNSP, Tiago Rodrigues director of the Festival d'Avignon, Guillaume Rogations director of relations with the professions and public authorities at Audiens

Animated by Denis Gravouil general secretary of the Fédération nationale CGT des syndicats du spectacle

Practical infos
