Workshop: fighting against sexist and sexual violence in the entertainment industry

  • Professional meeting
The 2022 archive

With the CGT Spectacle

Cloître Saint-Louis © Festival d'Avignon


Five years after the global outburst caused by the #MeToo movement, where do we stand today in France? This workshop will look at how the perception of gender-based and sexual violence has evolved in our sectors of activity, to take stock of the progress made in the fight against this violence, and finally, to draw up perspectives for the future.


With Louise Brzezowska-Dudek from the #MeTooThéâtre collective, Ghislain Gauthier deputy general secretary of the CGT Entertainment Federation, Séphora Haymann from the #MeTooThéâtre collective, Karine Huet deputy general secretary of the CGT National Union of Musicians' Unions, Lucie Sorin member of the general delegation of the French Union of Performers

Moderated by Claire Serre-Combe deputy general secretary of the Synptac CGT - Leader of the Women-Mixity collective of the CGT Entertainment Federation

Practical infos