Will we finally agree? Breaking through the glass ceiling, a matter of urgency!

Les grands entretiens du Festival Côté Livre

  • The Workshops of thought
The 2022 archive

With Association Jean Vilar – Maison Jean Vilar

When will there be equality between men and women in the performing arts?

Maison Jean Vilar © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


What kind of representation of women are we building on our stages? With "Exploser le plafond - Précis de féminisme à l'usage du monde de la culture" (Éditions Rue de l'Échiquier), Reine Prat delivers an incisive analysis of the relationships of domination in the performing arts. In spite of the measures adopted for several years, the glass ceiling resists. Until when?


With Reine Prat

Hosted by Laure Adler


In partnership with SACD and Théâtre(s) magazine

Practical infos
