Peace in the city: the call of the mayors of Europe

Dear Neigbors ! From Sarajevo 1992 to Kyiv 2022

  • The Workshops of thought
The 2022 archive

With la Fondation Warm, Mediapart / La Revue du Crieur, La Fonderie

 From Sarajevo to Kiev, from Avignon, a call for peaceful coexistence in our cities.

Rencontre Fondation Warm et Médiapart 2022 © Marie CM Photography


This cycle follows the one organized by the Warm Foundation in Sarajevo. 30 years after the siege of the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, a deluge of fire fell on the Ukrainian cities. Between neighbors, one can maintain good understanding and the union of communities or on the contrary, foment the worst hostilities. What interests, what speeches break the sisterhood and brotherhood? How can diversity nourish solidarity? Broadening the scope of this reflection to the whole of Europe means confronting the nationalisms at work on a daily basis, and opposing their deadly rhetoric with concrete practices on the scale of a neighborhood, a city or a country.

The siege of Sarajevo took place 30 years ago. But is it actually such an old story? A call of the mayors of Europe for peaceful coexistence, at the initiative of Benjamina Karić (Sarajevo) and Cécile Helle (Avignon). Analysis with Rémy Ourdan, Emmanuel Wallon...


With Cécile Helle mayor of Avignon, Rémy Ourdan great reporter at Le Monde

Moderated by Emmanuel Wallon professor at the University of Paris-Nanterre


In partnership with the City of Sarajevo, the City of Avignon

Practical infos




Between neighbors, in wartime

Dear Neigbors ! From Sarajevo 1992 to Kiev 2022
  • The Workshops of thought
With la Fondation Warm, Mediapart / La Revue du Crieur, La Fonderie

The 2022 archive