Cycle " Let's talk about humor today "

Broadcasting networks

  • Professional meeting
The 2022 archive

With the SNES – Syndicat National des Entrepreneurs de Spectacles

"Let's Talk Humor, Today," SNES gives artists and pros a voice.

Cloître Saint-Louis, atelier théâtre © Festival d'Avignon


What are the French-speaking professional federations for humour? How do they support their members and what actions do they take to promote humour with the public authorities? What are the events that bring together humour professionals and artists?


With representatives from SACD, Sacem, artists, SNES member producers...

Moderated by Amandine Guillot secretary of the Federation of Humour Festivals

Practical infos


Cycle " Let's talk about humor today "

The diversity of writing on the French-speaking humor scene
  • Professional meeting
With the SNES – Syndicat National des Entrepreneurs de Spectacles

The 2022 archive