Press conference 9 July
- Press conference
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
79th edition D-164 From 5 to 26 July 2025
Strasbourg - Colmar / Created in 2021
A troubling and fascinating experience where we watch as a little human is turned into an object by adults.
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In a workshop that looks a lot like an assembly line, puppets are hard at work building Pinocchios. Not, as might be expected, by carving them out of wood, but by convincing children to turn into dolls… A reversal of the story of Pinocchio, Pinocchio(live)#2 invites us into a dystopian world to experience “live” a troubling, fascinating, and upsetting show. What does a human child look like when it has been turned into an object for adults? And vice versa? Following a research project that lasted several years, puppeteer Alice Laloy has written a show at the crossroads of dance, plastic arts, and performance, with young students of the Centre choréographique of Strasbourg and the Conservatoire of Colmar. Or how to invent a new mythology of the creative gesture…
With the child dancers of the Centre chorégraphique de Strasbourg : Pierre Battaglia, Stefania Gkolapi, Martha Havlicek, Romane Lacroix, Maxime Levytskyy, Rose Maillot, Charlotte Obringer, Nilsu Ozgun, Anaïs Rey-Tregan, Edgar Ruiz Suri, Sarah Steffanus, Nayla Sayde and the students of the drama class of the Conservatoire de Colmar : Alice Amalbert, Jeanne Bouscarle, Quentin Brucker, Esther Gillet, Léon Leckler, Mathilde Louazel, Antonio Maïka, Jean-Baptiste Mazzucchelli, Louise Miran, Valentina Papic, Nina Roth, Raphaël Willems
and Norah Durieux, Elliott Sauvion Laloy
Conception and direction Alice Laloy
Choreography Cécile Laloy
Stage design Jane Joyet
Music Éric Recordier
Costumes Cathy Launois, Oria Steenkiste, Maya-Lune Thieblemont
Accessories Antonin Bouvret, Benjamin Hautin, Maya-Lune Thieblemont
Contorsion advices Lucille Chalopin, Lise Pauton
Assistant choreography Claire Hurpeau
General and light management Julienne Rochereau
Tour administration and production Sotira Dhima
Coordination and logistics Joanna Cochet
Production Compagnie S'Appelle Reviens, Centre chorégraphique de Strasbourg
Co-production Comédie de Colmar Centre dramatique national Grand Est Alsace, Festival Paris l'Été, Théâtre national populaire de Villeurbanne, Le Manège Scène nationale de Reims, Théâtre jeune public Centre dramatique national Strasbourg Grand Est
With the help of the construction workshops of the Théâtre national populaire de Villeurbanne for the workbenches and the Lycée Paul Poiret in Paris (students of Véronique Coquard and Maryse Alexandre) for the making of the costumes.
The Compagnie S’Appelle Reviens is supported by the DRAC Grand Est and the Région Grand Est.
For everyone from 8 years old.
Duration : 1h10
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
École Supérieure d'Art d'Avignon - Champfleury Site
Duration : 3h
Église des Célestins
Duration : 12h