This panel will explore the questions of health and wellbeing at work, both from the point of view of the diagnostic and of potential solutions, through three aspects: forms of employment, work organisation, commitment and recognition.
With Jérôme Arger-Lefevre, musician at the Orchestre national d'Île-de-France and member of Force Ouvrière, Angeline Barth, Confederal Secretary in charge of training at the CGT, Philippe Chapelon, General Delegate of the Syndicat national des entrepreneurs du spectacle and President of the Caisse des congés spectacles, Thomas Coutrot head of the "working conditions and health" department at the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Insertion,, Cédric Dalmasso assistant professor of management at Mines ParisTech, Francis Eustache director of studies at the EPHE, Inserm, Université de Caen/Normandie, Aurèlie Foucher general delegate of Profedim and president of CMB, Stéphane Gil general delegate of the Théâtre de la cité - CDN Toulouse, Mathieu Grégoire teacher-researcher in sociology at the Université Paris Nanterre, Aurélie Landry lecturer in psychology at the Universitée Grenoble Alpes, Eve Lombart administrator of the Avignon Festival, Sophie Prunier-Poulmaire lecturer in ergonomics at the Université Paris Nanterre, Delphine Serre professor of sociology at the Université de Paris, Johannes Siegrist professor of sociology at the University of Düsseldorf, Thierry Teboul director general of Afdas, Franck Vidal professor at the cognitive neuroscience laboratory at Aix-Marseille University
Avec les interventions de Catherine Courtet, responsable scientifique, département sciences humaines et sociales de l'ANR et Claire Guillemain, directrice du CMB