Embrace of the serpent

  • Films
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The 2019 archive

By Ciro Guerra (2015)

A journey to the heart of the Amazonian forest which allows shaman Karamakate to recover his lost memories…
Embrace of the serpent © DR


Karamakate, a powerful Amazonian shaman and the last survivor of his people, lives as a recluse in the depths of the jungle. Decades of loneliness turned him into a chullachaqui, a human devoid of memories and emotions. His life is disrupted by the arrival of Evans, an American ethnobotanist looking for the yakruna, a very powerful sacred plant, which can teach people how to dream. Together, they embark on a journey to the heart of the Amazonian forest during which the line between past, present, and future begins to blur.


With Utopia cinema
In partnership
with Transfuge, France Médias Monde

Practical infos


Embrace of the serpent © DR