We are in Avignon. While we're here, Paris and Caen continue to exist even though we're not there. The difference between those cities isn't whether they are real or not, but whether we are there. An experimental journey through space and backwards through time.
Thierry Balasse Thierry Balasse is a sound producer, a composer of electro-acoustic music, an improviser, a creator of shows, and a “sound slower.” He has observed that there is no such thing as instantaneousness when it comes to sound.
Pierre Mifsud Pierre Mifsud is an actor. In his work for other directors and in his own creations, he likes to catch people off guard and to perform without a safety net. An expert in treacherous terrains, to him performance is nothing if not instantaneousness.
Conception et interprétation Thierry Balasse and Pierre Mifsud
Production Compagnie Inouïe, Cie Les Gens d'à côté Coproduction SACD, Festival d'Avignon, Sélection suisse en Avignon Avec le soutien de Pro Helvetia fondation suisse pour la culture