Encounter with Aurélien Bory

  • Encounter at the FabricA
The 2016 archive

Presented by Michel Flandrin

Encounter with Aurélien Bory © DR


Encounter about


"To live is to move from one space to another, while trying real hard not to stub one's toes.” – Georges Perec, Species of Spaces, © Editions Galilée. 

Like Georges Perec, whom he sees as an inspiration, Aurélien Bory considers the stage to be a “species of spaces,” a machine with the potential to contain all forms, all types of shows, within itself. And if it is the place where exciting stories take place, it is first and foremost the place where new adventures begin. Using Perec's childhood and memories as a starting point, Aurélien Bory sets sail for a mental territory at the heart of which is space, and which is replete with crossings and pathways. Leaving darkness behind to enter the stage, and choosing sharing over withholding, imagination over words, death over life, unless it's the other way around...


Aurélien Bory, who has lived in Toulouse since 2000, is the creator of a unique and hybrid form of “physical theatre,” at the crossroads between several different disciplines. His plays are shown all over the world, and he likes to stop every now and again to create collaborative works: Taoub, then Azimut, both with the Moroccan Acrobatic Troupe of Tangiers; Seven Boards of Tricks with the Chinese artists of the Dalian Peking Opera Troupe; or Plexus, created for the Japanese dancer Kaori Ito, seen in Strawberry Cream Puff with Olivier Martin-Salvan, during the 68th edition of the Festival d'Avignon. Dance, visual installations, opera, Aurélien Bory's work exists in a perpetual state of “renewal of the form,” anchored by a certainty he acquired while studying the sciences: the world is nothing but a transformation, a succession of passages, of shifting states.


with Aurélien Bory


Compagnie 111

Coproduction Festival d'Avignon, TNT - Théâtre national de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, Grand T Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique Nantes, Théâtre de l'Archipel Scène nationale de Perpignan, Théâtre de la Ville - Paris,  Maison des Arts de Créteil, Parvis Scène nationale de Tarbes Pyrénées (in progress).

Practical infos

